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iSee Oral Care series showcased in 2019 ADA Annual Meeting and FDI Exhibition

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iSee Oral Care series showcased in 2019 ADA AnnualMeeting and FDI Exhibition

by iSee Oral Care series team  September 2019

The 159th Annual Meeting of American Dental Association (ADA) and WorldDental Federation (FDI) Exhibition of 2019 were held at the Moscone ConventionCenter of San Francisco, United States, from September 5 to 7, 2019.

The Annual Meeting of American Dental Association (ADA) is one of thelargest and most important trade fairs for dental medicines and technology in theworld. Each annual conference is attended by tens of thousands of professionalsaround the world, including dentists, dental hygienists, dental assistants,business assistants, laboratory technicians, and other members of the dental professions.

GuangzhouT.K Medical Instrument Co., Ltd is again invited to attend the exhibition. Onthe exhibition, G T.K Medical showcased its iSee® Oral Careseries, including iSee® Visible InterdentalCleaner, iSee® Oral Irrigator, iSee® Electric Toothbrush, iSee® Lighted Dental Floss Pick, iSee® Built-in InterdentalBrush. iSee® Oral Careseries have attracted many famous dental experts, dental professionals andinterested customers all over the world for visit and discussion.

Amongall the people who went to G T.K Medical’s booth, the most eye-catching might be Dr. Paul Feuerstein, DMD, theeditor-in-chief of Dentistry Today. He showed intense interest on our original iSee® visual oral cleaning series. He had a enthusiastic conversation withMr. Xing Zhou, CEO and inventor of iSee® Oral Care series, and Dr.Arash, afamous dentist and the U.S partner of iSee® Oral Care series. After conversionhe also took pictures and videos with an intention to further evaluate iSee® VisibleInterdental Cleaner.

The mostsurprising visitor is Dr. Edward Zuckerberg, father of Mark Zuckerberg, thefounder of Facebook. Dr. Edward Zuckerberg is a famous dentist too. He is veryinterested in iSee® Oral Care series. He had a goodconversation with CEO Mr. Xing Zhou and Dr. Arash and took a group picturetogether.

To our great joy, Ms.Deborah Cockrell, an official from Australian Ministry of Health, visited ourbooth for three times and favored our iSee® visual oral cleaning device. She came to our boothon the last afternoon of the exhibition with a hope to get one sample toreceive testing by a team from the Australian Ministry of Health.

On the last day of theexhibition, ADA's senior management team, market personnel, managementpersonnel and engineers of internationally renowned companies all visited theiSee® booth and watchedthe iSee® Oral Care series.The iSee® Oral Care seriesis a success at the 2019 ADA FDI conference.

In the future, let usexpect iSee® Oral Care seriesto bring more surprises!

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Company Email: sales@gtkmedical.com

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