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MEDICA & COMPAMED 2018 News Report

Click: Release Time:2018-11-22Information Sources:

MEDICA & COMPAMED 2018 News Report

In November 12, 2018, MEDICA, the most important industry exhibition for medical devices, was opened in Dusseldorf, Germany.

Nearly 70 countries and more than 5100 enterprises took part in MEDICA this year.

On the four days of the fair, around 120,000 visitors enjoyed an offer that was more extensive and international than ever before.

(This information comes from https://www.medica-tradefair.com/cgi-bin/md_medica/lib/pub/tt.cgi/Medical_experts_once_again_were_%E2%80%9Cspoiled_for_choice%E2%80%9D_at_MEDICA_and_COMPAMED..html?oid=83476&lang=2&ssoResponse=eyJhbGciOiJBMjU2R0NNS1ciLCJlbmMiOiJBMjU2R0NNIiwiaXYiOiJxZmpoOTlzajIzSHNKRHVyIiwidGFnIjoiRkhrRFJnZk90WTZfelEwNDJCbXE3QSJ9.V38L8RKepYMVU5xMF577vuMY-0D5yXYecOMB94a9U7w.JphIMRMoDhyAR-iT.Bsnx3wtTEemHO0TCUJgeUW6zrXYwC5EobThfWk46G9hC1740kOIisEyZ_tezzVyL36qZBny5csoKTNBIB1MPTlfLPDDswiXQJHht89n_w6NiKRd2FqF8zSLYkg.o5Hs4UpekiEbFmiUFKnJ5g)

(This photo comes from https://www.medica-tradefair.com/cgi-bin/md_medica/lib/pub/tt.cgi/Medical_experts_once_again_were_%E2%80%9Cspoiled_for_choice%E2%80%9D_at_MEDICA_and_COMPAMED..html?oid=83476&lang=2&ticket=g_u_e_s_t)

Guangzhou T.K Medical Instrument Co., Ltd. took part in this most important industry exhibition as scheduled.

In this exhibition Guangzhou T.K Medical Instrument Co., Ltd fully demonstrated products, including laparoscopic products and oral products, which attracted many new and old customers to visit and to create long term business cooperation.

Copyright 2023 (C) Guangzhou T.K Medical Instrument Co., Ltd.

Company Email: sales@gtkmedical.com

Company address 1: A601, Guangzhou International Business Incubator, Guangzhou Science Park, Guangzhou, 510663, Guangdong, P. R. China

Company address 2: No. 7, Jianye 6th Rd, Huangpu District, Guangzhou Development District, 510765, Guangzhou, Guangdong, P. R. China